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Anthony DiMoro

Anthony is the lead writer of Hover. Anthony has written for outlets such as Forbes, Huffington Post, Sports Rants, Clutch Win, Pro Football Network, Fright Nerd, NewsBreak and more.
Lead Writer
276 Articles

YouTube Announces First Ever Beauty Festival

YouTube has officially announced their first-ever Beauty Festival which slated to arrive…

Anthony DiMoro

YouTube Announces Shorts Fund

YouTube has announced the launch of YouTube Shorts Fund which is a…

Anthony DiMoro

Twitch Facing Employee Exodus

Amid a culture slash and a divide over company strategy, Twitch is…

Anthony DiMoro

Amazon’s Twitch Confirms Data Breach

Amazon owned- streaming platform Twitch has been the victim of a data…

Anthony DiMoro

Amazon May Be Preparing To Launch A YouTube-style Streaming Service

The retail giant filed trademark requests on Dec. 5 for the names…

Anthony DiMoro

Successful Tips To Maximize Views On YouTube Videos

YouTube is one of the most popular product of Google. It is…

Anthony DiMoro